Strucomix Pony
Harmony strucomix pony.
Strucomix pony. Indication for use daily amount strucomix pony per animal. Up to 200 kg live body weight 15 kg pony feed minimum 25 kg well structured hay and 1 kg straw up. Indication for use quantite journaliere de cavalor strucomix pony par animal complete de suffisamment de fourrages. 350 g par 100 kg de poids.
Cavalor strucomix pony is a special structured mix tailored for ponies. Order swiftly and securely at vetsendcouk. The way a pony converts feed into usable substances its metabolism differs from that of a horse. For that reason cavalor has developed a special mix for ponies that.
Cavalor strucomix pony er udviklet til at undga disse almindelige problemer ved at forbedre kosten betydeligt. Karakteristisk for cavalor strucomix pony.